Saturday, November 30, 2013

14A: Preparation over Break

                There’s no better feeling than going home after not having seen your family and friends in nearly a month. It’s always a good time when you go back home for the first time in a while; and though I’m 30 minutes from home.. I do get home sick. So getting to sleep in my own bed and have a home cooked meal was something that couldn’t be replaced.
                Having a week off gave me a bunch of extra time to get myself prepared mentally for finals week, which is one of the most dreaded weeks in all of college. Finals week shouldn’t be too hard for me seeing as I only have one final where I actually have to step foot into a classroom! (thankyou professors) This week mainly consisted of me gathering information and filming some things for my next video in inquiry. I sat down and really had a lot of time to myself to brainstorm how I would go about handling my final project in this class. Though I didn’t have too much work to get done or even have any finals to prepare for, I took the time to really plan for this inquiry final because my grade as of now isn’t exactly where I’d like it to be and if I get an A on this final It can really boost my grade.

                Thanksgiving came and I took the opportunity to be thankful for the fact that my math teacher is sending out an extension until December 4th to finish all late math homework.. talk about a life saver. So once this is all completed and I ace this math final, I can walk away from freshman year happy and maybe end on terms that I choose myself, maybe I can walk out of the first semester satisfied with what I did as a student. 

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