Monday, December 16, 2013

15B: 5 P's!!

Well, well, well.. the most dreaded week by every college student has graced us with its presence, finals week. Finals week just lurks over every struggling students near horizon in hopes of becoming that big dark, grey, and gloomy cloud that has all hopes of ending your semester horribly and making your Christmas suck. But finals week does have a kryptonite, it does have a weakness. STUDYING!! Well organized, laid out, and thorough planning. This is exactly where I probably would have failed this year if I had more than one written- sit down exam; thank god it was just math.

                This year I really dodged a bullet I only having to sit down and write out one final, but I do realize it won’t be like that for the rest of my time in college. The “Five P’s” is a concept all of my coaches use when it comes to practicing and our everyday performances on the field. It means “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.” Though I didn’t do too well on my math final, I made sure I had set times where I was able to go about studying and making sure I got done what I needed to. I write this having just finished my first ever week of college finals, and for next semester I know exactly what to do and what not to do. I’ve come to have a strong handle on what college finals consist so in the near future I’ll make sure I set aside more time for studying and go about the concept of the 5 p’s even more. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance, I’ll use this along with utilizing more resources that are offered on campus and maybe even start a study group. Work with my peers and classmates in order to link up and maybe innovate new ways to study for upcoming finals. 

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