Wednesday, September 25, 2013

5B: How to Use Your Time.

                This time study assignment has really come to show how much my life is consumed by school and football practice. Monday through Wednesday my days are consumed by classes until 1 then football meetings and practice from 1:10 until 5:45, then comes study hall… three dreadful hours from 7:30 until 10:30. With such busy days and so much time spent on football, these study halls are really the only thing that enables me to complete some of my work, though I still find myself in my dorm working for two or three more hours after study lets out. It was said that we’d spend roughly 30 to 40 hours not including class doing review work, which is exactly right.. every week I have 20 to 30 hours of more work to do, on top of practices and games for football. I wouldn’t quite say I’ve touched that magic number of 40 hours yet though.. I hope to keep it that way.
                I never really paid any attention to what exactly my time was spent on during the week, but when I actually break it down and analyze it closely.. football and school has slowly taken over my life. Ironically, I still find enough time to socialize and make friend amongst the rest of the campus.. I still have time devoted to just me (good thing I’m a diagnosed insomniac). Sadly, I felt myself putting off my inquiry assignments until the last day.. and it turned out what I thought was the last day was the wrong day; procrastination at its finest (reasons why It’s 8:52 on a Wednesday and I’m doing them now).

                Throughout the rest of the first semester I plan on sticking to a schedule that works and enables me to finish my required assignments for the week, while staying well rested for football games/practice, and maintain a sense of “me” time or down time. 

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